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Car Insurance : Get your Premium back or beyond

You work hard to buy an automobile to enjoy your trips or may be to support your business needs. Any uncertainty can lead to damage resulting in huge losses. And you are aware the costs to get you vehicle repaired in the event of a damage or even replacing just in case it is stolen, can be huge. Hence it makes sense to buy a comprehensive cover to give you the all round protection.

Your car is not only a high value asset but also a highly valued possession. Therefore, it becomes crucial to insure your valuable possession. In today’s times you need a comprehensive policy that not only covers you against the mandatory third party liability but also against the losses caused due to fire, theft, explosion, burglary, riots, strikes, earthquakes, flood, cyclones, accidents, malicious acts and terrorist activities.
This article is not written for those who wants to know more about Car insurance but for those who are considering whether they should stick on to their car insurance provider or not. If it’s the least premium that you are looking for then there is every chance that your risk of an accident and loss to your car is not covered/insured. Some of the features that you should be looking for are :

24 X 7 Road-side assistance :
Most of the car insurance providers would have claims settlement toll free number which would be working 24 X 7. However, some insurance providers would give 24 X 7 road-side assistance as well. This service would be very much beneficial than a claim settlement hotline. Imagine if you are stranded on an urban country-side or even inside the city, all you would need to do is to call the road-side assistance helpline and they would reach you in the stipulated time-frame. This service would be provided by most of the Car dealers, yet does the dealers assure it after 2 or 3 years of your purchase. A car insurance policy clubbed with 24 X 7 road-side assistance is very essential.

Additional Covers and NCB :

Wind-Shield and other additional covers without affecting your No Claim Bonus : Car Insurance providers would promise for additional covers yet we need to ensure that those additional premium that you would pay for those additional covers does not cost your No Claim Bonus ; not only for this year but year after year. Check with your insurance provider whether the NCB would be affected if you happen to make claim under the additional covers that you would opt for while purchasing a Insurance policy.

The premium that you paid or you are about to pay can be re-funded without any claims/accidents :
Yes, you heard that right, now we have an option to collect your premium back, without making any claim or damage to your car.

For more information , send an email to [email protected] with your contact details with subject ‘Car Insurance Premium Return Program’.


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