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Strike/Harthal hits Technopark?

The LDF Government in the state may be making big promises to the IT sector but now it is being accused of using the police to make Wednesday’s Left-sponsored general strike a success at the Technopark, But it was NOT !!!!. What happened on the hartal called on 20th Aug was how the media helped propagate “negative” news stating the hartal was a success.

Technopark in Trivandrum and Infopark in Cochin has seen 100% attendance despite the entire state coming to a standstill. Probably this failure of hartal conductors to make IT department dance to their tunes forced them into making use of fake news via media news channels. 20th morning news by Kairali and India Vision stated that the hartal was a 100% success and specifically said that “the normally working IT Department too is on standstill, with Infopark and Technopark life disrupted”.

Technopark and Infopark worked without any problems whole day. There was not even a single obstacle on the roads that lead to these IT Hubs.

The CI of police, Kazhakuttam, on Tuesday evening allegedly wrote a letter to Technopark officials requesting them to inform all the companies (on the Technopark campus) that employees be asked to leave before 10 p.m. on Tuesday, as there could be trouble since the general strike was about to start in two hours. According to the intelligence report, the harthal conductors planned to attack Technopark Buses which leave late from Technopark , usually by 11.00 PM

It is a very dangerous situation when the industry is trying to get more IT business into Kerala, and our damn politicians and political parties play nasty games to make Kerala an industry-unfriendly state.

See the Hindu Report Here…


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  1. 84 harthals in kerala in this year…no other state such a harthal history. then how the industries will come to kerala. i read that a few of foriegn clients got struck in the harthal days, and the harthal supporters blocked and made troubles on their way from kovalam to technopark.

  2. Its Very Good decisions that to many many harthal destroyed public equipments and peoples

  3. less said the better…

    Kerala seems heading straight into the precipice.

  4. It should have been a much more violent protest instead of hartals and bandhs. Those who do not respect labour laws and still recruit and enjoy the workers’ labour and toil and become fat are to be called “the licker who licks the lickers’ lips”. Send such beggars out of India. If it was in U.S.A., these beggars would have been shot dead by now, for not following labour laws.