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Having Your ‘It’ and Having Your ‘All’

“Women can’t have it all”>> November 27, 2014:  So it all started with Indira Nooyi’s statement “Women can’t have it all” and then we heard that giant tech companies like Apple and Google providing extra benefits to their female employees who chose to freeze their eggs or in simple words; who are ready to compromise on their maternal dreams over their career.

Many applauded Nooyi for her honesty in accepting that a woman can’t be a perfect mom, perfect wife and perfect CEO all at the same time, and that a woman is a synonym of “compromise and sacrifice”, but the feminist troupe lashed her out for her regressive comment in spite of being a well-established corporate honcho of 21st century.

This debate of whether a woman can have it “All” entirely depends on the word “ALL”. It is relative and when every woman believes in the relativity factor of this “All”, that day she can have her All. What does ALL define to you? And what is your “It”? Usually the ALL concept is basically an amalgamation of successful career and a happy family life. But let’s be honest, you can’t be a CEO of a company and get your kid top the school both at the same time.

babyitYou cannot expect to cook your husband’s favourite meal, do grocery shopping, match your curtains with the new décor and attend international business tours and office parties all at once. So if your ALL comprises of a career high of Fame and Recognition then obviously you have to rely on a maid to cook those delicious and nutritious meals for your Hubby and a home tutor to clear your kid’s Maths doubts. Similarly if you eye on being a perfect homemaker then you should be happy with a delayed promotion or a lesser pay hike.

Clearly we Indian women have this tendency to multitask and risk our mental peace and health in our quest to achieve everything. This leads to dissatisfaction and self loathing resulting in ugly spats at office as well as at home, with your spouse and kids. Sometimes women definitely succeed in achieving this very ‘All” but at the cost of self destruction. Come on! Take a breather!! Curbing your dreams and desires for others, round the clock would tire you out ultimately.

Take that much needed vacation. Join that painting class you wished to join right since you were a teenager. Let it loose! Only you can decide on the things which need to be dropped from your ALL list considering your support system and personal abilities. Balance is the key.

A woman can still Have It All if she aims for an Achievable ALL without compromising on her biggest priorities.
Choice lies in your hands ladies!

AParna tpt


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